Exchange 2003/2007 restore process


  1. Ensure that Windows, Exchange and AD have been restored back (at the same service pack and patch level) to the target machine.

Restore process

  1. Restore the Exchange backup via the CyberSecure software agent to a temporary location for the purposes of this guide: “E:\Backup”.
    1. Open CyberSecure
    2. Click “Restore”
    3. Choose the desired backup snapshot
    4. Restore back to a local location, eg “E:\Backup”
  2. Once the restore process is complete, run the “ExchangeRestore” command for your appropriate platform using the following parameters:
    1. DIR = Location of the restored backup files from CyberSecure Advanced.
    2. TEMP = Temporary location for the restore process to do work. This should be fast and have plenty of free space.
    3. SERVER = Name of the server to restore Exchange back to.
    1. For 32-bit platforms:
      C:\Program Files\CyberSecure Advanced\bin\ExchangeRestore DIR=”e:\backup” TEMP=”e:\temp” SERVER=”Win2k3″
    1. For 64-bit platforms:
      C:\Program Files\CyberSecure Advanced\bin\ExchangeRestore64 DIR=”e:\backup” TEMP=”e:\temp” SERVER=”Win2k8″
  3. Here is an example of running the ExchangeRestore64 utility:
  4. Mount the Exchange database afterward in System Manager for Exchange 2003 or Exchange Management Console for Exchange 2007.
  5. Repeat the same procedure for each database to be restored. Verify under the Event Viewer if there is any error generated during the restore process. If the restore process failed with errors such as bad signature, or null error, the backed up database file restored may be incorrect.