Moving deleted data from retention back into data area

  1. Locate the backup job that caused the data to go into the retention area. This can be done by tracing back through the backup reports and finding the backup job that detected deleted data.
  2. Remove the backup schedule for that job – we don’t want the backup running whilst the data is being moved on the server-side
  3. Log into the web console
  4. Click “File explorer”
  5. Click into the desired backup set
  6. Click “Show jobs view”
  7. Click the backup job that contains the deleted data (the backup job located from the first step)
  8. Drill down to the deleted files/folders
  9. Select the checkbox next to them and click “Undelete”
  10. Leave the browser window open until the page loads – if the browser window is closed, the transfer of data will be stopped
  11. Confirm that the data has moved from the retention area back into the data area
  12. Monitor the next backup to ensure it is successful